In the OGL 481 - Organizational Leadership Pro-Seminar I, I got to choose a situation in the workplace that was challenging for me. Then, I took the four frames of organizations as well as an Ethical Community; then, I analyzed the situation through the lens of each of the frames. Here, I will be going through each of the four frames -- Structural, Human Resource, Political, and Symbolic with the addition of an ethical standpoint -- in the subcategories of this section. The first thing was first, I had to choose a situation to use for this analysis. The situation I describe is about a conflicting situation I was involved in at one of the organizations I have worked with. This situation was challenging because this took place before I had learned through my studies that conflict is the knock of an opportunity for change in an organization. This was was when I viewed conflict in more of a negative demeanor. I had never experienced conflict like this before. The coworker was just not a team player and refused to work with the team no matter how hard my team tried to include him and no matter how hard the leadership team encouraged and coached him into working with the team rather than opposed from the team. With the HR department having slow processes, the situation began to escalate over time causing tension when he was around, team members transferring to other departments to get away from him, and even, aggressive acts at the very end. Because this information was used in an investigation, I will not be disclosing the name of the organization or of the individual. I will be referring to this individual as John Doe throughout each of the personal case analyses. This first worksheet goes more into detail about the conflicting situation I was involved in.
Choosing an Organization - Worksheet
As I was thinking about which situation for this personal case analysis, I tried to find any other example possible since this example was more on the confidential side; however, it is the only situation where there were clear influences from every frame of organizations playing a role in this situation. It is something I vividly remember because it caused trauma and tears for more than one person in the organization--including myself. Harassment of any kind does not belong in the workplace. I am a strong advocate for treating others with respect inside and outside of the workplace.