Through my academic journey as an Organizational Leadership - Project Management major, I have examined many core competencies that have been essential to my growth and development not only as a leader, but it has also been notably beneficial in my person life as well. Fances Frei, "Professor of Service Management at Harvard Business School and the co-author of the best selling book, Uncommon Service" says in Ryan Hawk's article Frances Frei - How To Empower Everyone Around You (UNLEASHED), "Leadership, at its core, is about making other people better as a result of your presence-- and making sure that the impact lasts in your absence." (Hawk, 2020) Leadership, to me, is more about the people rather than the authority. Helping people reach their full potential in a way that works for them is my core basis for choosing the path of leadership. Without developing my own competencies, I would not be able to lead a team effectively in a way that aligns with my overall goal of leadership.
The core competencies I have flourished for me while expanding my knowledge of leadership at Arizona State University are as follows: project management, conflict management, delegation, empathy, organization understanding, responsibility, strategic planning, and team dynamics & collaboration. These eight competencies have laid the pathway to what type of leader, and person, I strive to be. I have provided in depth personal insight to each competency where I discuss what it means to me in leadership. I will showcase an artifact from my work in previous courses or past experiences. Finally, I will give a brief reflection on why the competency has shifted my perspective and helped me grow as a leader.
Reference:Hawk, R. (2020, June 30). Frances Frei - how to empower everyone around you (unleashed). The Learning Leader Show.Retrieved March 31, 2023, from